Then there is the question of what one's type is and I have always thought I don't have a type then dated a few people who helped me figure out that I in fact do have one. I am of the Sikh religion and my family believe in the caste system of which I am Jatt, so I have that pressure on me as well to find someone of that criteria in a country that is so diverse it is extremely hard. I could date other girls but I am not a guy to mess around a girl when I know there is no future their, so that is why I am on the search for the one...That one just has to be Sikh, Jatt, feisty, beautiful with a sweet side...See im not fussy at all am I :/

Online dating used to be such a taboo but now everyone who is single (some who are not) are on it, don't be fooled, they just might not have a picture, it's almost become socially acceptable to be on dating apps now. I am on the infamous Tinder, Plenty of Fish and Asiand8 (the last one I even paid for because I got excited as I got a few waves, my bad).
Tinder - Fun for a while but hardly get any matches and when I do they don't reply...
Plenty of fish - It is free to message so that's a plus but every girl with a pic gets so many messages, every guy messaging just blends in with their competition - There are too many fish in the sea for this dating site...(maybe it's bad jokes like that, that don't get me replies lol)
Asiand8 - Chatted to a few girls on here but every time a conversation starts flowing either party takes too long to reply so it soon dies out which is just disappointing and them waves sadly didn't turn into convos...
So basically I am putting myself out there but online dating is just not the one right now and therefore my search will continue... the right girl is out there for me (I hope). You know the saying it will happen when you least expect it, well lets just say that saying is annoying...
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