Wednesday 23 July 2014

In Hindsight...

The famous words IN HINDSIGHT have been a common occurrence in my household recently mainly used by myself. They are the words people utter when they asses a situation and it suddenly hits you shit I wish I done it that way or I wish I hadn't done or said that at all.

My big why/what/when/really (basically in hindsight) moments are as follows:

1. My degree - I have done English and Film/Television and graduated with a 2:2, first of all I really should of studied more and partied less (I forgot about the work hard bit and just played hard)I should of got a 2:1 as it would of helped with my current job situation (nice way of saying unemployed). Secondly the degree is good if you want to be a teacher but not if you want to get into media as you have to just start from the bottom and work experience counts for more. So maybe if I did do another degree I would be in a job right now that had opportunities and decent pay.
2. Turned down - There have been many occasions during my twenties where I have turned down some jobs either because of either location/laziness/being set on a specific career or just me generally snobby thinking because I got a degree, I could do better. Also some opportunities for just an adventure where I could of went but haven't for various reasons (mainly money) and then heard it was a amazing weekend/trip/night out (my inner fomo [fear of missing out]rearing its ugly head). In your twenties if you can do it, go for it and most times I could of scrounged together some funds and lived but instead overthought every situation.

3. Give things a chance - Some girls I have dated in the past I have always thought after why didn't I try harder or date them for a bit longer. I have a type and if a girl is lacking in banter or we don't connect or they are not the same religion or caste (so Sikh and Jatt) I cut it off before I get in too deep. Looks are important as well and every guy wants a stunner lets be honest but I aint no Brad Pitt more Jonah Hill (he is still a legend in his own right)so even though I am aware of that fact,I can't help but dream big. If I did maybe I would have loved and lost by now but instead I get too cautious. Sometimes I wish I did approach girls and tried to crack on with them but (there it is again the but) haven't out of fear of rejection or just not knowing how to.

However I genuinely don't regret any path,decision or situation I have chosen (yes no regrets by Dappy is going through my head as I write this), I know a lot people must think after all my rambling he must regret it but that is not the case, as at the time it felt right for me and my life. Yes in reflection sometimes I think what could of been or damn i would be better off right now but I also wouldn't be the guy I am today without going through every awkward encounter, dodgy situation and stupid decision as you learn and grow from it (wow I really didn't mean for that to come as cheesy and motivational as it has apologies but it kinda works enjoy)

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