Saturday 11 October 2014

Is London Overrated?

I am now officially living the London life, commuting in from the country side to the big smoke (or is it the city of lights). The commute is tiring but i strangely don't mind it, it is weird I have been after a job in central for so long, literally since I went to university their has been this taste to live this high life, I had this idea that it would be a place to network, meet people, have some wild nights out, find the girl of my dreams. Ok while I admit maybe I expected too much it has not lived up to my expectations yet, I have some good nights out, met some cool people that if I'm honest I probably would not have been friends with or interacted with had it not been for this job, so that is a plus point.

However still nothing has set my world a light, maybe it is down to money I mean does life revolve around money, yes it doesn't buy you happiness but it sure can help. I mean you step outside the door and you need more money for wherever you go even if you are going somewhere just to chill, you more then likely need petrol money to get their. So been thinking I need to do something extra on the side of my job to be able to afford a decent social life (I mean I have been harping on about not having a love life but tbh I don't think I could afford a girlfriend).

Or it really could be down to me not putting myself out their and going for the opportunities, life is what you make it after all I can't just sit around and expect stuff to happen. London is still a city where I can progress my career better then if I got a job in my hometown but it is overrated. There are certain buildings that give you a wow moment but for every nice place you turn the corner and it is let's just say not the most visually blessed street. The night life is good but expensive (I make the most of happy hour) and as for the people everyone just stick to their own, I suppose maybe because I commute I don't get experience real London as always have to get the last train home (the joys of commuting).

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